Making the Mundane Magical
One of my threads of work in the world as a witch is that of making the mundane magical. My belief is that our every day lives can be infused with as much as the times when we step between the worlds into ritual space if we so choose. A piece of that is making a conscious choice to engage with the world and with our relationships in the world in a more magical way by being present, by noticing, by creating the kinds of small rituals and traditions that can help remind each of us that there is still magic in the world.
Image shows a teacup with the word rituals on the inside rim, containing water and a sprig of rosemary, on a saucer with a dull silver teaspoon, some red rowan berries, on the wood countertop are two stones.
Some of my favourite rituals are small - making a cup of tea each morning in a favourite mug and taking the time to drink it before reading email, whispering gratitudes for the clean water flowing from the tap each time I fill the kettle, storing in wishes for good health when I make soup, blessing the seeds/bulbs/ small plants when I put them in the garden - and making sure that I spend some time being present with the world rather than trying to distance myself from it. Sometimes it's a struggle - the world feels a challenging place to be right now and there are days when I fight the urge to disengage, to sit on the sofa and watch shows instead of engaging, and I'm learning to give myself some grace around that.
A large piece that making the mundane magic takes is through my work as an artist and craftsperson - creativity infuses my daily life, and pays my bills, as well as being an integral part of my witchcraft. A few weeks back I had the pleasure of recording a podcast with T. Thorn Coyle - for their podcast "Magic Creativity and Life" about much of this! Check it out here.
Image shows a banner that has the words “Magic, Creativity and Life” in the top centre and in the bottom centre “Conversations with Interesting People Hosted by T. Thorn Coyle. To the right is an image of Thorn, to the left an image of Raven.