Classes & Events

Scroll on below for offerings by GreenWomanCrafts

Raven Edgewalker offers training in the spiritual and natural realms, witchcraft and magick, divination, spellcasting and more.

Click on the events below to register and secure your spot in Raven’s classroom.

Did you know?

Raven is also a teacher at World Tree Lyceum - A Mystery School and Lyceum, offering online and in-person study of magickal, spiritual and natural subjects. Follow this link to go to World Tree Lyceum!

Iron Pentacle
to 27 Apr

Iron Pentacle

Iron Pentacle  (prerequisite Elements*) With Chelidon and Raven Edgewalker

March 9th – April 27th 2025

The Iron Pentacle is one of the core Reclaiming tools for self-transformation, inherited from the Anderson Feri Tradition and adapted by Reclaiming. Using our magical skills, moving and shaping energy, we transform ourselves through trance and other tools to explore the five points of our inner pentacle: Sex, Self, Passion, Pride and Power - which are our birthright as free human beings. Through our work with the Iron Pentacle we can learn to reclaim these points and integrate them into our lives.

This workshop offers an intensive introduction to the Iron Pentacle and the ongoing work of integration, which is the work of a lifetime. During this workshop we will explore each of the points of the Iron Pentacle through different exercises and techniques including ritual, trance, energy work, self-awareness, communication, journaling, and art to work on areas where growth and balance are required, and learn tools to take this work out into your daily lives.

This is an asynchronous, online class.

Find out more at World Tree Lyceum or register via our google registration form.

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Sacred Space 2025
to 30 Mar

Sacred Space 2025

Raven will be presenting a workshop titled “the Selkie, the Seal and the Sea” at the 2025 Sacred Space Conference in Baltimore, MD, USA

“Stand on the cliff tops above a seal colony and listen. The seal voices drifting up on the winds sound much like the cries of people. It is, thus, easy to understand how myths of seals transforming into humans arose in so many northern cultures, ancient and modern. Seals, found on every continent of our planet, spend most of their lives at sea, sharing the same waters as fishing boats, competing for the same catch. Hunter, and hunted. This will be an experiential workshop – with story-telling, trancework and conversation around how we can be in better relationship with these gorgeous creatures. In a former life, Raven was a seal-behaviouralist, and seals are beloved to them.”

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Experiential Celtic Tree Ogham lead by Raven Edgewalker - April 27th - June 30th 2025
to 30 June

Experiential Celtic Tree Ogham lead by Raven Edgewalker - April 27th - June 30th 2025

The Celtic Ogham is an old Irish alphabet or cipher. Just like many other alphabets (Runes, Greek, Hebrew for e.g.) it is an alphabet for which each letter has magical significance and multiple associations - one set of associations is that of native trees. When working with the Ogham as the Tree Ogham, the divinatory meaning is derived from observation of the mythological, folkloric and, practical uses as well as magical properties of twenty trees native to Ireland and the British Isles, e.g. Birch, Rowan, Alder, Willow and Ash.

Interest in the Ogham, and especially with its associations with trees has grown rapidly in the last decades and has expanded outwards from  Ireland and the British Isles, extending into countries such as the USA and Australia where many of the Celtic trees are not native to the land, which can present challenges in working with this system.

In this eight week, asynchronous workshop we will work on learning skills and tools to develop and build energetic connections to the Ogham feda (letters) and the trees most often associated with them, along with using other resources and research to learn about both some of the history of the ogham and the energies of its associated trees. We will learn how to weave together our experiences of the trees, along with the traditional associations and lore of the Ogham into better understanding the Ogham as a magical system. Deepening our connections with the trees that are part of our native ecosystems whether you live in mountains or the desert or even in the British Isles (!); and work towards building a personal system of associations to the ogham that is relevant to your own land and practice.

We will work with the ogham and its associated trees as our allies and as our teachers, learning to listen to them and hearing what offerings we can make to them for their assistance in our work. We will learn some of the basic practical skills required to begin making your own ogham set if you desire.

You will need a journal and writing materials – I would suggest purchasing a new journal for this work, so that your notes are not caught up in the midst of other writings - or it would be appropriate to use loose pages in a binder. You will need to be able to access research materials, whether online or offline, on trees, their ecology, practical and magical uses, as well as their use in art and literature. You may want or desire art supplies or a camera if this is one way that you like to work.

I operate a sliding scale for this workshop - please select the cost that you feel applies to you best.

£80 - low income

£120 - mid income

£160 - comfortable income.

This is an asynchronous workshop, work will be shared once a week via an online Facebook forum, there are no fixed meeting times. If you do not use Facebook or if you would like to be considered for one of our limited discounted solidarity places, please contact me at before registering

You will also need an ogham set to participate in this workshop, It is recommended you use a set that is made on corresponding woods. If you do not already own a set, find a set in my webstore here: Ogham Sets by Raven Edgewalker

This workshop is also part of World Tree Lyceum's 2025 Class schedule.


Love to see you there!

To secure your place, follow the link below to Add the Class to your Cart.

You will then proceed to the Checkout where you’ll be prompted with Registration information.

If you have any further questions or troubles with payment and registration, please don’t hesitate to email me at

Experiential Celtic Tree Ogham lead by Raven Edgewalker
from GBP 80.00
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Pearl Pentacle
to 22 June

Pearl Pentacle

Pearl Pentacle (prerequisite Elements & Iron*)  With Chelidon and Raven Edgewalker

May 4th – June 22nd  2025

The Pearl Pentacle is one of the core Reclaiming tools of personal and community transformation, and the lessons we can learn from the energies of the Pearl Pentacle can only enrich and deepen our connections with self and with our communities. As with the closely related Iron Pentacle, the Pearl Pentacle is a tool that was developed in the Anderson Feri tradition and adopted and adapted into the Reclaiming tradition early on in it's history, where it has become one of our four core classes

The energy of the Pearl Pentacle is said to arise when that of the Iron Pentacle is present and balanced, that the energy of Pearl vibrates an octave higher than that of Iron and it that the irritation of the work of Iron Pentacle leads to the creation of the Pearl, as an oyster creates a pearl from the irritation of grit inside it.

Join us as the inner, more personal transformative work of the Iron Pentacle begins to shift outwards to become the energy of the Pearl Pentacle, with its focus on our relationships with each other as we work to build healthy communities.

Visit World Tree Lyceum to find out more, or register via our google registration form

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Elements of Magic
to 13 July

Elements of Magic

Elements of Magic With Chelidon and Raven Edgewalker

May 18th - July 13th 2025

Elements of Magic with Chelidon & Raven Edgewalker

Elements of Magic is the first of the Reclaiming Tradition core classes. Journeying together through earth, air, fire, water and spirit, we will work with the tools of trance, movement, sound, silence, divination and more. We hold the intent that this work will help us to build and deepen our relationships with the five sacred elements of life as we open to the deep magic of the elements and listen to what they have to teach us.

Along with forging a relationship with the elements, this workshop will provide the opportunity to explore and practice some of the core, foundational magical skills of the Reclaiming Tradition, as well as Wiccan and neo-pagan practice.

This is an asynchronous, online class.

visit World Tree Lyceum to find out more or register via our google registration form

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Community Building
to 7 Sept

Community Building

Community Building (prerequisite Elements*)   With Chelidon and Raven Edgewalker

July 20th - September 7th 2025

Community-building is the newest of the core classes of the Reclaiming Tradition – although the skills and teachings that it offers reach far beyond the bounds of any one tradition.

Community-building is the newest of the five core classes of the Reclaiming Tradition – although the skills and teachings that it offers reach far beyond the bounds of any one tradition. We will explore and discuss what community is (and is not), how we can engage in and build healthy communities, and we will explore tools that can support community-building, such as consensus process, active listening, boundary making and tools for conflict resolution. Since this is an online class, we will be also be focusing on building and participating in online communities, including the fundamentals of using social media for outreach and communication.

This is an asynchronous, online class.

To find out more, visit World Tree Lyceum or register via our google registration form

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Rites of Passage
to 6 Oct

Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage (prerequisite Elements*)   With Chelidon and Raven Edgewalker

September 14th – October 26th 2025

This deep, intensive workshop teaches the powerful skills of working and playing with our own personal stories and myths, looking and listening to how they speak to us, showing us ways to deepen our own practices, and to become truer to our Selves and who we can become. Tapping into the realms of the unconscious we will explore techniques of dream-work. We will use trancework and divination in ways that might be new to you. We will draw in art and other creative elements to this workshop and will encourage you to open to your own powers of creativity in re-creating your own individual mythology and stories. The workshop will culminate in the creation by each participant of a personal ritual to honor themselves and the multiplicity of paths that have bought each of us to the place on the journey where we are.

This is an asynchronous, online workshop

To find out more visit World Tree Lyceum or register via our google registration form

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The Magic of Pentacles
to 14 Dec

The Magic of Pentacles

The Magic of Pentacles with Chelidon and Raven Edgewalker

26th October - 14th December 2025

Raven and Chelidon are developing a new class for 2025, exploring the history and magic of sacred Pentacles. We will work with some of the lore and experience of the existing Pentacles of Elements, Iron and Pearl, and will then delve into developing our own, indivdual Pentacle for deeper magical practice. We will post more information here as we continue creating the course.

For more information visit World Tree Lyceum or register via our Google registration form

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Elements of Magic
to 2 Mar

Elements of Magic

Reclaiming Tradition Core Class

Elements of Magic with Chelidon & Raven Edgewalker

Elements of Magic is the first of the Reclaiming Tradition core classes. Journeying together through earth, air, fire, water and spirit, we will work with the tools of trance, movement, sound, silence, divination and more. We hold the intent that this work will help us to build and deepen our relationships with the five sacred elements of life as we open to the deep magic of the elements and listen to what they have to teach us.

Along with forging a relationship with the elements, this workshop will provide the opportunity to explore and practice some of the core, foundational magical skills of the Reclaiming Tradition, as well as Wiccan and neo-pagan practice.

This is an asynchronous, online class.

visit World Tree Lyceum to find out more or register via our google registration form

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